Expert Cybersecurity Professional Services

  • Offensive Security / Pentesting
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Security Automation Services
  • Executive Cybersecurity Detail

We help companies stay proactive in keeping their data, customers, and reputation safe.

Our primary service areas are:
Offensive Security / Pentesting
The best defense is a good offense. Our Red Team offensive security experts will test your network, data centers, cloud infrastructure, applications, and physical locations to find any vulnerabilities before the hackers do.
Vulnerability Management
Let us evaluate and improve your vulnerability management program. The cornerstone of any successful VM operation is knowing your assets, and rating vulns in order of business criticality to get the most out of your remediation efforts.
Security Automation Services
The best way to get ahead of the cybersecurity
talent gap and maximize security budgets is to automate wherever possible. Let us help identify and implement automation opportunities (AI/ML, scripting, RPA) to save you time and money.
Executive Cybersecurity Detail

24/7 Concierge Support
With cybersecurity, seconds matter. The moment after an accidental click, or the stress of receiving a threatening email, or even an account lockout. The array of cybersecuity issues that high profile individuals face can be overwhelming, especially when you factor that friends, family, and colleagues are equal targets in an attempt to compromise. Our team understands the environment, and what it takes to not only keep your executives and VIPs safe, but feeling secure in the process.

Our aim is to earn your trust every step of the way. This is why beyond our extensive vetting and continuous monitoring process, our focus is on constant client satisfaction. We gauge our success not just on what we do, but how secure and supported our clients feel. Our services are expansive and inclusive, meeting any client need. Whether we’re providing support via phone or text, at home or office, local or international — your cybersecurity needs are our #1 priority.

Why choose KRY to serve your company?

Whatever your cybersecurity needs, we've got it covered.
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    Red Team/Pentesting

    Offensive security is where it all starts. Our team has extensive experience playing the adversary role to help our clients find vulnerabilities before their adversaries do.
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    Blue/Purple Team

    Purple Teaming (Red+Blue) gives the Blue Team insight into the attacker mindset and produces greater overall insight — better planning leads to better results.
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    Vulnerability & Asset Management

    The first step in a successful VM program is the accurate identification of your digital assets. Understanding the big pictures vastly improves the remediation process.
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    Security Automation

    We’ll help to identify opportunities and implement solutions like custom AI/ML, scripting, RPA, 3rd-party software specification, and more.
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    Data Privacy/Compliance

    KRY helps you meet global and regional data privacy legislations (GDPR, CPRA/CCPA, LGPD), and certification efforts (ISO 27001, SOC2, SOX).
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    Security Program Management

    KRY offers vCISO, and a full range of Technical Security Program and Project Management services. These roles can be a critical success factor in your program.
About Us
Our team has decades of experience working in the public and private sector. From military to government agencies, to Fortune 100 companies that span healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, social media, and high tech startups — each with unique needs and strategies that we’ve consistently delivered on for our clients. We limit our exposure online because our security is your security, and maintaining operational security (OPSEC) for our team wherever possible is a matter of customer care — and just one way we minimize the attack surface and improve the security posture of our clients from the very start. Full credentials and qualifications are proudly provided should we have the opportunity to discuss earning your business.
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We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business!